If you’re anything like us, you too would’ve been taught while growing up the importance of vitamins (& certain minerals) in your diet. For a fact - vitamins are good, necessary even. But do you really know which vitamins do what exactly? Read on to find out which of these vitamins should definitely be a part of your diet and why. In alphabetical order, here we go:
Vitamin A
The first of the vitamins to be discovered, Vitamin A is mighty important for normal vision, the immune system & reproduction and helps the vital organs work properly.
Vitamin A aids in the production of sebum or oil in the scalp. This helps in maintaining its moisture and in blood circulation to strengthen hair follicle for hair growth.
We clearly overlooked the power of carrots and greens back in school, didn't we?
Biotin (or Vitamin B7)
Feeling lethargic? Increase the intake of your B vitamins like biotin, for increased energy production & immune function. B vitamins, and specifically biotin, help keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy.
While keeping you going from the inside, biotin makes itself useful in outer appearance as well. By stimulating hair growth, it causes hair to thicken and appear more lustrous. If you’re worried about the health of your super dry skin, biotin can help fortify it, maintaining healthy skin and improving its tone & texture. Along with improving hair and skin, biotin is known for its ability to strengthen nails.
Well, that’s hair, skin & nails taken care of.

Folic acid (or Vitamin B9)
Folic acid is primarily responsible for the development of healthy skin cells; hence it helps fight premature aging, specifically wrinkles and fine lines.
The human body requires folic acid in order to produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anaemia.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C encourages the production of white blood cells, which help protect the body against infection. Studies show that consuming more vitamin C can increase your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30%. This helps the body’s natural defenses fight inflammation & diseases.
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid aids in formation of collagen, an important part of your hair & skin structure.
Vitamin D
The ‘sunshine vitamin’, vitamin D is your ‘excuse’ for more midday walks in the sun. Vitamin D is required for healthy bones, teeth, and muscle health.
Moreover, vitamin D also helps in weight loss further decreasing the risk of heart diseases.
Vitamin E
If wrinkles worry you, up your vitamin E intake. Its antioxidant behaviour protects against (wrinkle-inducing) free radicals, as well as helps blood circulation.
In addition, vitamin E is involved in regulating and strengthening the immune response. Vitamin E is the key that unlocks your immune system’s ability to generate an increased number of fighter T cells and deploy them to fight disease.
Bonus: Zinc
We know it’s not a vitamin, but zinc is an essential mineral in its own right. There is much evidence of interaction between zinc and a range of vitamins, particularly vitamin A, vitamin E and folic acid. Zinc helps the human body synthesize these vitamins and is crucial for developing immunity.
In addition to its role in supporting the immune system, zinc is required for the activity of more than 300 enzymes that aid with healthy digestion, nerve function, and metabolism. Pretty important, we’d say.
This brings us to the end of another blog. Remember, a varied diet is what will help you fight deficiencies while making your meals more exciting at the same time. You can always try safe & natural vitamin supplements to bolster your vitamin intake & stay fabulous.